Hello, welcome to my personal website!

I am Andrey, a final-year Ph.D. in Economics student at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). I am writing my dissertation in quantitative climate economics under the supervision of Prof. Jesús Gonzalo.

I will be on the Job Market 2024-2025. Find here my CV and my Job Market Paper.

My research interests are centered around the intersection of time series econometrics, climate and environmental economics, and applied econometrics. In my Job Market Paper, I integrate elements of climate theory with recent advances in time series econometrics, to propose a quantitative methodology for studying spatial or seasonal heterogeneity in the dynamics of the entire temperature distribution and its association with different climate drivers, including carbon dioxide (CO2). Estimation and forecasting/projection outcomes from this approach can be incorporated into economic studies to enhance our understanding of the economic consequences of climate change, contributing to inform more efficient adaptation and mitigation policies.

  • During spring 2024, I visited the Department of Economics and Business Economics at Aarhus University.

  • I presented my Job Market Paper in a poster session at the ASSA 2025 Annual Meeting.

Andrey D. Ramos-Ramirez